
Impressive! A 30m-deep chasm just a stone's throw from Grenoble. A seemingly innocent river plunges over a 30m waterfall into a deep-set, magical canyon. There are abseils, slides and jumps. A great adventure!

L'infernet is an extraordinary phenomenon just a stone's throw from Grenoble. This is where you learn the meaning of canyoning. After a 25m abseil you find yourself in a narrow gorge with 50m walls. A magical place for adventurers. A half-day descent with everything - abseils, jumps and slides. The first abseil can impress with its atmosphere. The rest unfolds on its own. A real must!

Informations Pratiques

Difficulty: Aventure

Duration: half day

Walk in: 30′

Walk out: 40′′

Gear provided by us: Neoprene wetsuit, neoprene socks, harness with double cowstails and descender, helmet.

Gear to bring: bathing suit, towel, dry clothing, sports shoes (no sandals, open shoes or flipflops !), optional water bottle and energy bars.

Price: 60€ per person. 50€/person for a group of minimum 6 people.
+33 6 49 48 04 88

© RAS DE L'EAU - Sven Van Cleemput - 2021-2024